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Glendale Arts: Leading with Passion and Delivering for Our City

By July 20, 2021July 27th, 2021No Comments

Weekly Blog by Incoming CEO, Nina Crowe

What do people say about leaders with passion?

That they are able, dedicated, skilled, and offer a rare combination of talent. They are people who can be trusted to perform tasks with optimum success. 

I know that’s what people are saying about Glendale Arts! I’ve been hearing so much wonderful feedback on our ability to manage the Alex Theatre, to make it a successful venue and hub for the community. The outpouring has been overwhelming, and again, we are grateful. 

We always hope our enthusiasm for what we do is contagious, and your support validates our motivation. We believe we bring something special to the competitive L.A. theatre market that is unique, exciting, and compelling, and we deliver it day after day – even during the pandemic while the Theatre was closed! 

Just this past week, Glendale Arts was selected from a highly competitive field of applicants to receive a one-time $821,960 recovery grant from the Small Business Administration, providing an incredible and vital influx of support. Because of being chosen for the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant program, our new ticketing platform, digital media production and streaming services, and wages and insurances can be supported. Since more than 98% of our event revenue was lost due to the pandemic, the grant provides a greatly needed financial foundation required to open the Alex Theatre doors to live and in-person events. 

Now, “On Sale” announcements will be coming soon. In the meantime, our entire team is making sure we will be ready for audiences and performers alike. That grant was a clear message that Glendale Arts plays front and center for the Alex.

Our relationships with Resident Companies and our roster of long-time clients and major talent have never ceased and remain highly engaged. As expected, the pandemic hit the cultural and creative sector with a strong punch, and our recovery is closely linked and connected to getting back on the Alex Theatre stage. Glendale Arts never stepped away from keeping the vital lines of communications open with talent.

If you have noticed, Glendale Arts has been in the news a lot lately. The community and the media are interested in how our negotiations with the City unfolds and resolves. Throughout this process, we’ve received some questions about claims made at the June 29th City Council meeting. To make sure all communications are transparent, we’ve created an FAQ, a “mythbuster,” to address those questions and provide clear answers. Please click here to read our FAQ.

As always, if you have any questions or simply want to talk about Glendale Arts or the Alex, please reach out to us at

Nina Crowe

Author Nina Crowe

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