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Glendale Arts: Serving You and the City

By July 12, 2021No Comments

Weekly blog by Incoming CEO, Nina Crowe

I am truly amazed by the unwavering show of support and endorsements that have been shared with Glendale Arts over the past two weeks. We asked for your help and you joined thousands of others who wrote letters, made calls, and rallied behind us to ask the City Council to continue exclusive negotiations with us for the operation of the Alex Theatre. Truth be told, after 10 years with Glendale Arts, I was not as much surprised by your passion, but inspired. Seeing it in action has been powerfully emotional as I step into the CEO role. Thank you for speaking out! 

We know the City Council heard your voices and they said so at the June 29th Special City Council meeting. Even so, the Council voted 3-2 in favor of ceasing exclusive negotiations. What this means is that the City will continue to negotiate with Glendale Arts. But, now they will also negotiate with two other respondents to the original RFP. 

While this step backward was not the outcome we had hoped for – because we had been awarded the Alex Theatre contract in April and because we really want to be open right now, like so many other venues in Los Angeles and across the nation – we are still very much in the running and I am confident that we will again demonstrate we are uniquely qualified to operate and manage the Alex. I look forward to rebooting the discussions with a fresh perspective and arriving at a win-win agreement.

Through all of this, the Glendale Arts team’s focus and energy have never faded. I am in awe of their dedication. They are invested emotionally and work with a nowadays unique “skin in the game” attitude. This is the Glendale Arts difference. 

I want to recognize our clients who throughout the RFP and City negotiations have been patiently waiting in the wings for contracts and on sale dates. . . some of which are COMING SOON! Thank you for your commitment to Glendale Arts – and we hope you enjoy the new ticketing platform and streaming capabilities we were able to invest in and bring online during COVID. While we have always honored and preserved the history of the Alex, we equally believe in the importance of improving and modernizing it.

As we re-enter the world of working together and start engaging with each other, the arts are more important than ever. There is a lot happening in Glendale right now. Be sure to check out the Library’s website for a host of arts and entertainment programs. And I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the recent groundbreaking of the Armenian American Museum. What a fantastic addition to the cultural landscape of the City!

We’ll continue to keep you posted on the negotiations. Keep writing your letters and making your calls to City Council. Discussions are happening and decisions are being made daily. Your input makes a difference. 

Our team remains as focused as ever on the amazing community in which we live and serve. If you have any questions about this or simply want to talk about the arts or the Alex, please reach out to me at

Nina Crowe

Author Nina Crowe

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