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Mission: Glendale Arts is a non profit organization that generates opportunities throughout greater Los Angeles to showcase, promote, encourage, and engage with the arts.

Vision: Glendale Arts envisions a vibrant and healthy community that supports, cultivates, and appreciates the arts.

Glendale Arts’ DNA is the culture, values, and principles that describe what we do and who we are.

We Power Arts and Culture by presenting various forms of artistic expression, such as visual, cinematic, and performing arts, providing platforms that discover the richness and complexity of the human experience. Our commitment to excellence serves as a magnet, attracting audiences to engage diverse forms of artistic expression. Through creative collaborations and high-quality performances, we strive to elevate entertainment into a transformative expression.

We Build Community by bringing people together, fostering engagement, and encouraging dialogue and interaction. By serving as a communal thread, Glendale Arts contributes significantly to the overall health and vitality of Glendale and surrounding communities and has a positive impact on various aspects of community well-being. This includes improving physical and mental health through access to cultural activities and spaces, promoting social justice through inclusive programming, and enhancing overall quality of life. 

In addition, Glendale Arts is an important driver of the local creative economy – creating jobs, boosting economic growth, generating revenue, and attracting visitors and investment to the City.

We Inspire New Ideas by promoting a culture of creativity and innovation. Through engaging exhibitions, performances, and interactive experiences, We encourage artists and audiences alike to think outside the box and push the boundaries of their imagination and enjoy the process of exploration and experimentation.

We Make Connections by creating opportunities for people to come together, collaborate on creative projects, educate one another through shared experiences, and foster a nexus of ideas and perspectives. Through storytelling, visual imagery, and performances, we foster connections between people, bridging divides, and building a sense of shared humanity.


Nina Crowe

Nina Crowe

Chief Executive Officer

(818) 243-2611 x1

Maria Sahakian

Maria Sahakian

Chief Operating Officer

(818) 243-2611 x3


Executive Committee

Marci DeSousa, Chair
DeSousa Real Estate Group

Artin Ahounber, Treasurer
City National Bank

Sheldon Peregrino, Secretary
Set Designer

Nina Crowe, CEO
Glendale Arts

Board of Directors

Michele DiNardo
Creative Producer
Miryam Finkelberg
Law Offices of Finkelberg & Finkelberg
Vic Pallos
Marketing & Communications Advisor

Susan Petoyan
IMAGINE If Insights & Strategy

Geri Ulrey
Film, TV & Media Arts Department
Glendale Community College


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